“The pretext for including our compatriots in the illegitimate sanctions lists of the EU is striking in its hypocrisy and cynicism. Basically, we are talking about the employees of the Frontier Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, who courageously fulfill their duty to protect the state border of our country, ”the agency said.

They noted that the allegations of Russia's violation of international law are completely untrue.

"I can not ignore the fact that this decision was made shortly before the presidential elections in Ukraine", - stated in the department.

The decision of the EU Council, stressed at the Foreign Ministry, speaks of disrespect for the right of Russia to ensure the security of its borders, and the EU’s actions are “irresponsible”.

“The Russian side will not leave the unfriendly EU action unanswered,” summed up the ministry.

On March 15, the EU imposed sanctions against Russia in connection with the incident in the Kerch Strait. Later, the United States and Canada introduced new restrictive measures against Russia.