In the south of Mexico, police arrested hundreds of migrants from Central America. On the road between Mapastepec and Pijijiapan 371 people had been caught, confirmed the head of the immigration office, Tonatiuh Guillén López. The migrants were taken to an immigration office in the Tapachula district to verify their residence status.

AP news reporters reported how police forces at Pijijiapan targeted isolated groups at the end of a caravan of about 3,000 people and dragged them into police vehicles. Migrants who were able to escape sought protection from the Catholic Church or forests, according to the news agency.

Guillén López later said the incident was "regrettable", especially in the case of children who were afraid. According to him, Mexico has already deported 11.8000 migrants this month and is more selective about who receives a humanitarian visa, allowing migrants to stay and work in the country.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of people flee violence and poverty in Central America and try to enter the United States. However, the US government does not want to let them into the country. President Donald Trump threatened to cut financial aid and close the border should the countries of the region not stop massive migration movements. Mexico agreed to strengthen controls in the south of the country.

In March, 103,492 people were apprehended at the southern border of the US - the highest number in twelve years. Among them were migrants arrested during illegal border crossings and asylum seekers and migrants who wanted to pass through border crossings without valid visas.