About 3,000 people according to the police, 4,500 to 5,000 according to the organizers, participated in this march, initiated by a collective of about forty environmental and citizen associations, called Alter G7,

Several thousand people, including many "yellow vests", participated Saturday afternoon in a "World March for ecological and social justice" in Metz, where will be held Sunday and Monday a meeting of environment ministers of the G7.

About 3,000 people according to the police, 4,500 to 5,000 according to the organizers, participated in this march, initiated by a collective of about forty environmental and civic associations, called Alter G7, but in which the "yellow vests" are much sounds.

The protesters of the Alter-G7 meet in front of the Arena of Metz. Access to the garden Jean-Marie Pelt is extremely difficult. pic.twitter.com/4UGswPNRA8

- France Bleu Lorraine Nord (@fblorrainenord) May 4, 2019

Protesters want "a real counter-summit"

The slogans "Everybody hates the police", "Anti, anti, anti-capitalist" and "We are there even if Macron does not want, we are here" have supplanted the "And 1, and 2, and 3 degrees It's a crime against humanity "or" We're hotter, warmer than the climate "chanted by the demonstrators who came to walk for the climate, relegated to the end of the procession.

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The organizing group intended to be "strong proposal" and offer "a true counter-summit" with "a unitary voice", while the environment ministers of the G7 meet in Metz Sunday and Monday, around the theme "Fight against inequalities through the protection of biodiversity and climate ", in preparation for the G7 summit scheduled for Biarritz in August.

Francis Lalanne present in the procession

The singer and top of the list "Yellow Alliance" for the European elections Francis Lalanne, present in the procession, fluo chasuble on the back, lent himself to the game of selfies with the group of "yellow vests" of Saint-Avold (Moselle ), very active since the beginning of the movement. "The claims on ecology come together, between 'yellow vests' and walkers for the climate.We are not for a repressive ecology against the taxpayer but preventive against the big polluters," he said. Explain.

Above the cortege fluttered flags of the CGT, France Insoumise, PCF or Attac. Around 5 pm, the demonstration dissolved but 400 to 500 people, "yellow vests" in particular, took the direction of the A31 motorway with the objective of blocking it.