It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the synodal department for church relations with society and the media.

“The latest steps and decisions of Patriarch Bartholomew, including the signing of today's agreement, lie outside the canonical field, but are exclusively in the political sphere,” he said.

Hilarion also added that Bartholomew is fulfilling "an order from across the ocean, aimed at weakening and dismembering the united Russian church."

Earlier, the Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko and the Patriarch Bartholomew in Istanbul signed an agreement on cooperation and collaboration between Ukraine and the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

Subsequently, the head of the Synodal Department of the Moscow Patriarchate on church relations with society and the media, Vladimir Legoyda, said that the document signed by Poroshenko and Bartholomew does not mean the creation of an autocephalous church in Ukraine.

Read more - in the material RT.