He is a member of the conservative value union, against the double pass and was at the "Grenzgang" here, in which conservative CDU members behind a banner, which read: "Borders on for free citizens, limits to illegal!"! Martin Heipertz, 41, is on the right side of the CDU. If he does not just make party politics, he is Head of Unit in the Federal Ministry of Finance for European Affairs and says of himself that he is a convinced European.

Heipertz calls for more grassroots democracy, he wants to break old structures. Recently, CDU parliamentary leader Ralph Brinkhaus has called a membership poll sexy. Heipertz now wants to bring in an application at the federal party convention in December, in order to obtain a survey of the basis for party chairmanship. After the election. For this he collects signatures. Why does he do this?

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Mr. Heipertz, what do you expect from a membership poll after the election of the party leader?

Martin Heipertz: Actually, it would be better the other way around: first, the vote on the application and then the election of the party chairman or. But that does not work in the short time. I hope that the delegates will weigh their voting behavior at the congress very well, if they know that a member survey could follow. Above all, I wish that there would be a debate about more co-determination of the base. That would be a novelty for the CDU.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Why does the Union need this innovation from your perspective?

Heipertz: Personnel development in the CDU often takes place in the back rooms, the structures are predominantly encrusted. Usually just a candidate is presented by the authorities. In addition, there are hardly any content-related discussions at the base. The district associations are primarily concerned with local politics, but we also have to deal with the big issues. At the moment, that often reminds me more of Stammtisch talk. There is no will-formation from below, it is imposed from above. I fight for more inner-party democracy.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: You belong to the right wing of your party. Why are you arguing for more grassroots democracy?

Heipertz: If you are conservative, then you are the real rebel today. We are the internal party opposition. The problem of the Union is that the mandate holders proclaim the opinions of top politicians. But they carry the opinion of the base only tamed up. It is a fundamental question. Do you trust democracy, or do you want to steer the destiny? I trust democracy.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: What substantive reorientation do you consider important in your party?

Heipertz: I do not want to anticipate any decision. It's just important to me that the base is heard. It's about implementing the will of the people. This process needs to get going again. They can have the perfect system, but if they lack the appropriate political culture, it can not be filled with life. In the CDU, there is a web of dependencies, you could call it felt. That has to be shaken up.

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