Duke of Sussex, Megan Markle, received a categorical rejection from Queen Elizabeth when she asked her to let her wear a necklace from her own collection. In fact, Megan is allowed to make many pieces of property at official events with the Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry. However, royalists this week claim that Duchess Sussex has already been barred from wearing some precious jewelry, because the queen wants to distinguish roles between her and her predecessor, the Duke of Cambridge, Kate Middleton. But commentator Gavin Gray believes Megan has provoked a hasty reaction to the Queen's body when she asked her to let her wear part of the group.

"This was when Megan wanted to wear this necklace, and when Harry said Megan could get what she wanted," Gray said, "the queen turned and said, 'Oh, no, no, I'm the one who decides on the necklace worn from the royal group. "This also fits into the rumor that Harry feels that Megan is being despised, not equal to Kate. It's a constant battle and it's still brewing. "

"The Queen has some special things there, but most of them are owned by taxpayers in the UK, and the Queen has the right to lend some of these things to other members of the royal family, wearing necklaces, jewelry and earrings herself."

There were rumors that some pieces Kate wore would not allow Megan to borrow them. The decision to allow Kate to take precedence over the choice of jewelry is in line with the changes made by the queen on the hierarchy after Kate and the Duchess of Cornwall, Camelia, joined the royal family. While Megan is married to Prince Harry, and her children will be in seventh grade in terms of reaching the throne, she is still the lowest property of her predecessor Kate. This may explain why the Queen had loaned Princess Diana and Kate Necklaces while Megan did not let her wear them. The jewelry includes a necklace of four-row Japanese pearls worn by Diana at an official banquet in 1982, and Kate Middleton's Tae-Marie.

Some rumors that some pieces Kate wore would not allow Megan to borrow them.