“You are forcing me to comment on what I am not authorized to do, because there is a separation of powers. When it comes to arrest, this is, of course, the competence of the criminal court ... a court in any country has the right to make decisions based on the materials prepared by the investigation. Apparently, in the current situation they had such materials, ”the prime minister quoted RIA Novosti.

He noted that he does not know what will happen next.

“The court, of course, will have to meet, to hear the arguments of the prosecution. If he recognizes them as sufficient, he will maintain the arrest. If he does not recognize them as sufficient, he can choose another measure of restraint. But this is entirely the jurisdiction of the court, ”he added.

February 15 became aware of the detention of Calvi and five other people. They are suspected of embezzling 2.5 billion rubles. Later, the founder of Baring Vostok was charged with fraud.

Calvi sent under arrest until April 13.