"In these conditions, we are forced to defend our interests and take retaliatory measures," Medvedev quotes RIA Novosti.

According to him, in particular, Russia prohibits the import of Ukrainian engineering products.

“We are expanding the ban on the import into Russia of certain types of goods, this measure will affect Ukrainian engineering products, light industry, metalworking, the cost of which amounted to almost $ 250 million last year,” he said.

On April 10, the Ukrainian government expanded the list of Russian goods prohibited from being imported into the customs territory of the country. The corresponding resolution was adopted at a cabinet meeting.

At the end of 2018, the Ukrainian government banned the import of a number of goods from Russia, in particular, cornstarch, glucose and maltodextrin syrup from it.

Viktor Vodolatsky, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots, commented on the decision of the Ukrainian government to expand the list of Russian goods prohibited from being imported into the customs territory of the country.