There could be reasons for an observation of the AfD by the constitutional protection: This conclusion is reached not only by the political opponents of the right-wing populists - but apparently also by the party itself commissioned report.

WDR, NDR and "Süddeutsche Zeitung" report on a summary of the paper. Accordingly, the legal scholar Dietrich Murswiek warns the AfD against the use of terms such as "Überfremdung" and "Umvolkung". These could give clues for the observation.

The letter, which is also the dpa news agency, is also recommended to avoid generalized judgments such as "refugees are criminal" or "old parties are corrupt" that derogate certain groups.

The summary of Murswiek's report has been created by AfD member of parliament Roland Hartwig. He heads a working party set up by the party executive, which is to take precautions against a possible observation of the party by the protection of the constitution.

Press conference on Monday

For Monday, a press conference of party leaders Alexander Gauland and Jörg Meuthen is planned. According to the media reports, constitutional lawyer Murswiek assumes "that the entire party in principle has to accept all the misconduct of party members, even if offenses of high-ranking officials weigh more heavily". "He also finds numerous examples that would in his view justify an observation of the current AfD," the statements of the expert are described in the summary.

The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution as well as the constitutional protection offices of the federal states investigates whether the AfD constitutes a danger to the free-democratic basic order and should therefore be under surveillance. A decision should be made by the end of the year. The AFD top fears that an observation by the domestic intelligence service would deter voters.

Using the recommendations for action that result from the report, the AfD wants to escape observation.