US President Donald H. Trump's anti-US protests and policies have been overshadowed by his work visit to Britain, which he discussed at the outset with British Prime Minister Teresa Mae, bilateral relations after her country's exit from the EU, as well as Iran and Russia.

On the first day of Trump's visit, thousands demonstrated in London, raising banners denouncing his policies and saying he was unwelcome in Britain. The protests are scheduled to last for four days with tens of thousands.

Protesters in London launched an orange-colored balloon featuring the US president in the form of an angry child with a mobile phone in his hand.

The US embassy issued a warning to the Americans in London, asking them to stay out of sight during Trump's visit if the protests became violent.

The bricast
At a news conference in Cheeks, northwest of London, where the rural headquarters of May, the US president denied being critical of the British prime minister's plan for her country's exit from the European Union (BRICEST) and described his country's relationship with Britain as strong and distinct.

May and Trump discussed at their meeting near London bilateral relations and various international issues (the island)

However, his interview with Sun published hours before the meeting included a clear criticism of what he called the "regrettable results" of the British government's plan on BRICEST, warning of its implications for a possible trade deal between the two countries.

The British prime minister said that her country would leave the European Union on time (March 2019), as the British people voted, noting that Washington and London are seeking an ambitious "free trade" agreement after the bricast.

Mai said she would discuss with Trump bilateral private relations and the chances of concluding a trade agreement between the two countries.

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On the other hand, Trump said he agreed with Mai to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and to continue joint efforts to curb Tehran's destabilizing behavior.

As for the troubled relationship with Russia, the US president said that if his country could develop a good relationship with Russia, it would be great, considering that he had a position on Russia that was tougher than anyone else.

He said he would discuss with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin issues including Syria and Ukraine, preventing the proliferation of weapons and the subject of Russian intervention in the last US presidential elections. In the same context, the British Prime Minister said she agreed with Trump to show strength and unity towards Russia.

London accused Moscow of involvement in two nerve-poisoning incidents in the Salzbury region, one of which targeted former Russian intelligence agent Sergei Scrippel and his daughter.

Trump and Mai stressed that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is stronger than before. The US president arrived in Britain on a working visit shortly after the end of the NATO summit in Brussels, during which he pressed the leaders of the member states to increase their contributions to the joint budget.