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Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini and President of the National Marine Rally Le Pen, 8 October 2018, Rome. REUTERS / Max Rossi

The President of the National Gathering (ex-FN) Marine Le Pen met this Monday, October 8 in Rome the Italian Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini. But the appointment may not have lived up to expectations.

With our special correspondent in Rome, Anne Soetemondt

This visit to Rome marks the beginning of a European tour of Marine Le Pen. The President of the National Gathering is due to meet several populist leaders to launch a momentum for next year's European elections. " It's the story with a big H that will be written in May next, " she promises.

For months now, the President of the National Gathering has been announcing this trip to Italy. Alongside the highly-mediaed Matteo Salvini, spearhead of the fight against migrants, the far-right elected is convinced: the European women of May may lead the nationalist parties to victory.

" This great fight, we will lead it together with Matteo and other peoples of Europe who realize that there is in fact the need for alternation in the direction of Europe, " said Marine Le Pen .

The meeting took place at the headquarters of the UGL, a union close to the Italian far right.If the room was small and the organization a little flawed, the president of the National Gathering undeniably scored points on Monday snatching his photo with the man who is shaking Europe today.

" We have the honor to be confronted with the exercise of power and to demonstrate that the so-called populists are better rulers than the socialists. I hope it will soon be Marine's turn , "said Matteo Salvini. Encouragement, the same goal, but few proposals. The meeting on Monday will have mostly crackled camera flashes.