"This is an amazing gift we discovered this morning with undisguised joy and pride." European guest noon, Tuesday, Audrey Sauvajon said her satisfaction after the announcement of the Legion of Honor awarded to his son Marin, 22, left for dead after defending a couple kissing in Lyon, in 2016 .

"He defended republican values." "We were disappointed because we had the impression not to be heard even if Marin met the criteria of this legion of honor," says the mother, who was fighting for his son to get this decoration for two years . "It's true that it's a rather special case, because he did not have a career like any other, he did not defend the French state as we can hear it", acknowledges she. "But at the same time he defended republican values."

"He bravely continues to fight." In 2016, Marin received three crutches on his head in front of the Part-Dieu shopping center after defending a couple taunted by a group of young people. "His aggression has resulted in sequels that he will keep for life, but he continues to fight courageously, we multiply the support, we are looking everywhere that could help," says Audrey Sauvajon. "He does not loose anything."

"If everybody acted like that ..." "Beyond our pride, it is a strong message sent to the young people of this country," says Marin's mother. "It's important that they mobilize, that they act, I do not wish them to end up in the same state as Marin, of course, but that people realize that they are part of that society and that they are acting (...) If everyone acted like that, we would not be afraid of assaults in the street. "