By RFPosted on 03-11-2018Modified on 03-11-2018 at 12:27

In Mali, since the re-election of President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, strikes, claims are multiplying in several trades. Prime Minister Soumeylou Boubeye Maïga has launched a series of meetings with unions, the private sector and civil society. These meetings are intended to prepare for the social conference scheduled for January 2019. It is also an attempt at appeasement.

There are of course the magistrates who have just ended a 100-day strike. The union of local authorities claims, in some localities, salary arrears, as teachers in the Kayes region have been on strike for several days.

It is not only the strikers of the moment who are dissatisfied. In the health sector, doctors still denounce the lack of means, equipment and medicines in public hospitals. Railwaymen require the resumption of the train. The notebooks of grievance pile up on the offices of the ministries of supervision.

" There is a concentration of discontent. We have not seen this for five years, "summarizes Hamadoune Amion Guindo, of the Workers' Trade Union Conference of Mali.

This trade unionist was part of the delegation that met with the Prime Minister on Thursday. Soumeylou Boubeye Maïga has initiated a series of meetings with the social partners. These will end next week. The government hopes to get out of this spiral of claims.

In January 2019, a major conference is announced, first " to distribute more equitably the fruits of growth " and then " for the social truce ", says one to the Primature.

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