The cancellation of the increase in the CSG in 2019 for a portion of pensioners will have a "cost to the public power" of 1.5 billion euros, said Wednesday the Secretary of State for the Civil Service, Olivier Dussopt.

Among his concessions to the sling of "yellow vests", Emmanuel Macron has promised to return to a measure much criticized by retirees: "For those who receive less than 2,000 euros per month, we will cancel in 2019 the rise in CSG suffered this year ", he said Monday, recognizing that" the effort that was asked of them was too important and it was not right ".

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3.7 million people concerned. This measure will concern "half of the pensioners who have experienced an increase in the CSG" in 2018, or 3.7 million people, and its "cost to the public power rises (ra) to 1.5 billion euros ", said Olivier Dussopt Wednesday at the National Assembly.

For a pensioner living alone with "a reference tax income of less than 22,534 euros per year", the CSG rate will go back to 6.6%, as was the case before 2018. Above this threshold, the maximum rate 8.3% will continue to apply. Similarly, those who report less than 14,548 euros of annual income will still benefit from the reduced rate of 3.8%.

The new scale will come into effect on January 1st. For pensioners "who live in a couple or who have dependents, the calculation of the threshold will be determined (...) in a familiar manner at the household level," added the Secretary of State.

This new scale will come into force on January 1 and will be implemented "as quickly as possible", he assured, warning that if the measure "was not activated for the month of January", it would be paid "with retroactive effect".