“We are running out of time to prevent disordered brexit. The British must decide before April 12 how to proceed, ”said Maas.

He stressed that otherwise brexit will take place without a deal, "no matter how difficult it is."

At the same time, the diplomat added that Germany and the EU "are well prepared in any case."

Earlier it became known that the British Parliament rejected the brexit agreement with the European Union for the third time.

Subsequently, the head of the European Council, Donald Tusk, announced that on April 10 he would convene an emergency EU summit on the basis of a vote by the British parliament on an agreement with the European Union that Britain would leave the integration union.

Also in January, the head of the Center for British Studies at the Institute of Europe, RAS, Elena Ananyeva, in an interview with NSN, assessed the prospects of the British Prime Minister Theresa May to remain in power.