He said that he did not go to the meeting with Zelensky, where the inauguration issue was discussed.

“Vladimir wants to meet and consult - he knows my phone. The main theme of our future personal conversation is not the date of the inauguration (the question is actually secondary for Ukraine!), But three key questions: 1) how it will restore peace in Ukraine; 2) how he will restore the economy; 3) how he will overcome the poverty of the Ukrainians, ”Lyashko wrote on Facebook.

According to him, “other issues” do not interest him.

Earlier, Zelensky said that he was going to invite deputies to hold an inauguration on May 19.

Later, the head of the Vozrozhdenie deputy group, Viktor Bondar, said that the heads of the factions and deputy groups of the parliament believe that the inauguration should take place on May 28.

According to him, many parliamentarians are ready for inauguration after May 27, so that Zelensky does not have the right to dissolve the Rada.

At the same time, he did not rule out that on May 14, at a meeting of the Rada, a decision would be made to hold the inauguration on May 19.