“There is a word to say - and immediately a wave started, starting from Minsk, to the East, to the West. Everyone treats us like this and that. This is natural, because Belarus has become the epicenter of our region due to the fact that we, with clenched teeth, withstood all the attacks, suffered, ”Belta quotes Lukashenko.

He noted that “the whole world today is looking at Belarus, starting with those countries that are in our region - Norway, Sweden, Finland, ending with a long arc, African”.

Lukashenko added that many countries are counting on the support of Belarus.

“Everyone knows about Belarus, and many expect that Belarus, both technologically and“ brains ”, will be able to provide them with appropriate support. We are not against it, but it costs money, you have to pay for it, ”he said.

Earlier, Lukashenko said that the national mentality is eroded by information flows.