Leslie, 39, was harassed for 10 years at her workplace by her manager. The latter began by launching a series of rumors about her collaborator, who gradually found herself isolated within the company. At the microphone of Olivier Delacroix, on Europe 1, Leslie returns on the hold that his superior exerted on her. She also mentioned the difficulties she had in becoming aware of the situation in which she was locked up.

"The rumors have settled with the harassment [...] They were rumors in both directions: we can say things about you, and make you believe that people say things about you. of the person who will be harassing.The rumors isolate the person.For me, it started like this.

My manager made me believe that people were saying horrible things about me like, for example, that I was a cowhide, or that I was meditating on them.


>> From 15h to 16h, share your life experiences with Olivier Delacroix on Europe 1. Find the replay of the show here

Whenever I say something, for example - if a colleague buys a sweater that I do not find very pretty -, 'I do not like that color', she repeated to the colleague that I said that the color was very ugly, that it did not suit him, that it was old. In fact, it amplified and distorted what I said. So, I had to justify myself [to the people concerned, ed ]. The problem was that it positioned me as a granddaughter.

She did this with other people who went into depression. Me, it completely isolated me. After ten years, no one was eating with me. No one wanted to talk to me.

The rumors spread had a direct impact on Leslie's work and the way she was seen by her superiors.

Since I did not have a relationship with my manager, and everything went through this manager, she made the director believe a number of things about my work. By saying, for example, that I allowed myself to give information to the competition. This is very serious because it really attacks the work of the person. One day, I was deprived of meeting, the director did not want to talk to me anymore. He spoke to me only by intermediaries. It isolated me professionally.

Gradually, bullying has slipped into a form of physical harassment.

She took a big scotche day, she tied me up and then she called everyone to laugh because I could not get away from my chair. This is one of the physical assaults that has occurred.

She also took pictures of me regularly and made a folder. She called people to come around and look at them saying, 'What are you ugly, look at this picture, you are even uglier than the other!' It was pretty regular things.

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Leslie is aware of being very passive towards her manager. In hindsight, she feels she has been the victim of a "narcissistic pervert".

Harassment is so damaging that after a while it affects your personal life. She tried to push me to divorce me by telling me that my husband was someone bad. She was also telling things about him.

This is the principle of the narcissistic pervert, it pulls slowly but surely. At one point, she managed to move me [...].

I've done a lot of things. Strangely, you do not realize it. You are under the influence of the narcissistic pervert, and the more you go, the more the influence grows and the more you become a puppet. After a while, I did not recognize myself anymore.


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I had support. A person who had just arrived, who was completely new to the team. [...] She realized what was going on and said, 'There's something wrong with you, it's harassment. Go away, go away quickly! ' I took the time to realize it, to verbalize all that. [...] When I left, I was in pieces.

In the face of such harrowing harassment, something that makes you crazy, I realized before I left why people were committing suicide in their workplace.

Although freed from the yoke of her manager, Leslie has yet to begin a long reconstruction work.

It's been a year since I resigned and, for the moment, I think I'm no longer able to be in a business. I started my business. I must solve this trauma. I have been in charge for a very short time and I am followed by a psychologist specializing in trauma [...]. "

>> Find the full testimony of Leslie