A possible coup against the faction leader, their opponents had previously struck out of the head. After the prelude of the two-day protest of the left-wing members of the Bundestag in Berlin, it is now clear: After all the murmur about a request for opt-out against Sahra Wagenknecht a few weeks ago, the comrades want to avoid further escalation for the time being.

Although Wagenknecht's critics had certainly prepared tips against the chairman: in a motion, the group should clearly admit to the "indivisible" initiative, in which more than a hundred thousand people took part in the autumn demonstration in the capital.

Background: The left-wing group had already supported the rally under the motto "for solidarity instead of exclusion". Wagenknecht, on the other hand, had gone astray, the demo was about the demand for "open borders," she said at the time. And this rejects them unlike many party friends.

As a result, there was a heated argument, the date of the present exam was considered a sort of deadline for revolt. But that was no longer the case.

No sharp attacks

The request for the closed-door meeting was now brought in by 24 Members - about one third of the Group. However, the authors dispensed with particularly sharp formulations and the Wagenknecht camp in turn for another confrontation. The deputies accepted the paper unanimously.

The only concern was that the group could effectively issue a blank check with the motion without knowing the future positions of "indivisible" of the initiative. Therefore, the comrades formulated a supplementary reference to the party program linked to attacks against the federal government.

From the ranks of the faction it is said, this time was relatively calm and factual. Also with the second small attack against Wagenknecht, a position paper of some deputies to the "getting up" movement of the chairmen. Their critics fear for a long time, Wagenknecht thus operate the division of the left. However, this has always rejected this.

The text now describes conditions for the left members to "get up". These would have to be differentiated from right-wing extremists and "competition candidates" in elections should be "definitely excluded". Wagenknecht has already done both. A clear distancing from "getting up" is not found in the paper.

For years dispute

From the ranks of the Wagenknecht opponents it is now said that with both papers "guardrails" have been defined or described, on which the fraction leader must be measured in the future. Wagenknecht's followers, on the other hand, emphasized that the texts were taken for granted.

For years Wagenknecht polarized in the party. It is about their controversial positions in refugee policy but also about a power struggle with the party leadership. "We have a lot of work ahead of us and we need a united left," said party leader Katja Kipping on the SWR radio.

In fact, the upcoming elections in Europe, but especially in Bremen Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia should be a reason for the temporary peace in the group. When it comes to power and mandates, the party can not use internal squabbles. In addition, the regular election of the top of the group is scheduled for the autumn. At the latest then, so the calculus of their opponents, it could be for Wagenknecht yet again close.