The Secretary-General of Algeria's ruling National Liberation Front (FLN), Mohamed Ali El-Salih, asked the Algerian people to "be proud" and stressed that the party was "abducted".

"In my own name and on behalf of all the party's long-standing activists, we ask forgiveness from the Algerian people for every negligence, reckless behavior or irresponsible statement," he said during a press conference on Saturday. "I promise that the party will take the lesson from all its previous mistakes.

He considered that the popular movement in Algeria had "liberated" the FLN and allowed him to elect a new Secretary-General through the election fund.

He stressed that the party was "kidnapped" by "an entity that worked to incite the people" through "rhetoric of arrogance and acrobatics" or statements "provocative against the people and against the principles of the party."

He stressed that "the policy of intimidation adopted by the kidnappers of the party terrorized the militants and angered by the Algerian people."

Businessman and parliamentary MP Mohammad Ghali took over the leadership of the National Liberation Front last week to succeed Gamal Ould Abbas, who abruptly resigned months ago.

The speaker of the parliament, Moaz Bouchourab, took over the leadership of the party after the resignation of Ould Abbas and was widely attacked after comments deemed provocative to the popular movement that prompted President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to resign early last month.