“The fact is that Turkey’s proposal to conduct an international investigation is aimed at stopping the practice of silence and double standards on the part of the United States in relation to various states,” he said, calling the killing of Hashukji an “inhuman crime.”

At the same time, the expert pointed out that after Saudi Arabia, after the incident in question, no sanctions were imposed on Saudi Arabia.

Vanin also noted that international cooperation in this case may further lead to the creation of a permanent court.

“Initially, this will be a local Turkish investigation, which will be joined by representatives of various states. Turkey will connect all interested parties to its internal investigation and then international judicial and investigative bodies will be created in the country. But not classical, but for this particular case, which, subsequently, can result in the creation of a permanent court, ”he concluded.

Earlier, Cavusoglu stated the need for an international investigation into the killing of Hashukji.

The journalist was killed during the conflict in the Consulate General of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul on October 2.