Kuwait warned the United Nations Security Council of Israel's attempts to change the historical and legal status of Al-Aqsa Mosque, condemning the incursion of the occupation forces inside the Gaza Strip.

This came in a statement presented by the Permanent Representative of Kuwait to the United Nations Ambassador Mansour Al-Otaibi during the meeting on the Palestinian issue on Monday at the United Nations permanent headquarters in New York.

"The way the council deals with the Palestinian issue and the Middle East peace process has contributed to the loss of confidence in the ability and ability of the international community to provide solutions," he said.

He stressed the need to "promote multilateralism and the role of the United Nations in preventing a third world war".

In this regard, the Kuwaiti ambassador warned against "Israeli violations in East Jerusalem and their attempts to change the historical and legal situation in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, dividing it temporarily and in situ, and undermining the freedom of Muslim prayer in it."

"The inability of the Security Council to act on the Palestinian issue has given way to the continuation of Israel - the occupying Power - in violation of international law, and to strike international parties with impunity, to act as they please without punishment or accountability."

Israeli crimes
Al-Otaibi pointed out that his country last Tuesday, in conjunction with Bolivia, requested a meeting of the Council against the backdrop of the serious escalation of the situation on the ground as a result of an incursion by Israeli forces into Gaza within three kilometers.

"This Israeli approach is not new, because the targeting of civilians in Gaza has been continuing and escalating since March, with 228 people killed, including 41 children," he said.

Al-Otaibi said that it is regrettable that the security and serious situation faced by civilians in Gaza is not the only threat to their safety, because the entry of the siege in its eleventh year led to the collapse of the humanitarian, economic, security and political situation. "Half of the population lives below the poverty line of $ 1.25 Per person per day.