KUWAIT: Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Hamad Al-Sabah affirmed his country's readiness to host the signing ceremony of an agreement ending the war in Yemen if the parties reach a settlement.

"We are ready to stand with our brothers in Yemen at any time they think it is appropriate to conclude the war and reach peace and to sign the agreement which we hope will be in the State of Kuwait," he told a news conference with his Austrian counterpart Karen Knies. "He said.

The Kuwaiti minister did not address the possibility of hosting a new round of Yemeni negotiations or consultations after the current round held in Sweden, stressing that there is no alternative to the "political solution" to end the "bloody tragedy" in Yemen.

Negotiations began on December 6 in the Swedish village of Rimbo and are scheduled to close on Thursday.

The delegations of the two sides exchanged names yesterday about 16 thousand prisoners and detainees, in order to exchange them by January 19 next, but there are still differences between the two sides related to the work of Sanaa airport, and calm in the city of Hodeidah coastal, and lifting the siege imposed by the Houthis on The city of Taiz (southwest of the country).

It is noteworthy that Kuwait hosted in 2016 a long round of Yemeni talks, but it did not end to a solution to end the conflict in this Arab country, which was exhausted by the war.