US President Donald Trump, commenting on reports of the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi from his consulate in Istanbul, said he did not like "bad stories" about the subject.

"I hope the issue will be resolved quickly," Trump said in a White House statement during a response to a reporter's question about Khashoggi's disappearance, "but no one knows anything about it."

In response to a question by the President of the National Press Club in Washington, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Paul Ryan said there is a need for clear facts from the Turkish and Saudi governments on what is known about Khashoggi's death, describing the news as confusing.

Ryan said that, as an elected official, he expressed his solidarity with the media, stressing that he would seek answers to transparency and accountability when it comes to such issues.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said Khashoggi's assassination would destroy relations with Riyadh.

CNN quoted US administration officials as saying that Washington was quietly working on the case of missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The US government is following the case of Khashoggi's disappearance across several agencies and at senior management levels, the US officials said.

The officials said the administration had no verifiable information to confirm the Turkish government's claims that Khashoggi might have been killed.

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Respond strongly
The two officials told CNN that Washington was seeking answers on Khashoggi's place and talking to senior levels in Saudi Arabia.

The State Department said it could not confirm the fate of Jamal Khashoggi, but "is following the situation closely."

For his part, US Senator Marco Rubio said that if the reports on the death of Jamal Khashoggi were confirmed, the United States and the civilized world must respond strongly.

"It will look at all the options in the Senate," Rubio said in a tweet.

It is noteworthy that the Saudi journalist entered last Tuesday the consulate of his country in Istanbul for personal transactions, but he has not emerged since then, according to statements by Turkish officials and his fiancée waiting outside the consulate, and Turkish estimates that Khashoggi was killed inside the consulate, Saudi.