Abdullah Al-Emadi

"I and my Saudi friends who live abroad feel helpless about what is happening in our country. We want our country to flourish and we see the vision of 2030 come true. We do not oppose our government. We love Saudi Arabia. It is our only home we love and want. Define the state - enemies. "

This was one of the paragraphs that the Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi wrote in his weekly article in the Washington Post last year, which is undoubtedly an observer of the events, is one of the main reasons that led to his disappearance for a week. Khashoggi Out of Saudi Arabia, he managed to break the silence and fear together after a long thought.

"Under the pressure of my government, the publisher of one of the most widely read and most widely read Arabic newspapers - my article - abolished my article, and the government banned me from doing so," he said in one article, explaining what had happened to him before leaving his country and choosing the United States for exile or immigration. Using Twitter when warned of the excessive embrace of President Trump. "

Where will the mystery of the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi end? (Al Jazeera)

Break fear
"I spent six months silent, thinking about my country and the harsh choices ahead. I have suffered a lot for several years when many of my friends were arrested. I did not say anything, I did not say anything," he said. I want to lose my job or my freedom. I was worried about my family. This time I took a different choice. I left my house and my family and my job and raised my voice. If I did otherwise, I would betray those who are in prison. Many can not. "

So he made his difficult decision, and realized that there were many difficulties waiting for him. He began to prevent his wife, Ala Mahmoud, from traveling to her, even though she had a travel permit. She was forced to divorce him at the State Security headquarters.

I am certain that Saudi Arabia is not the one who anticipated it and wished to see it. He began to wonder why this climate is spreading from fear and intimidation. "A leader with charisma is the long-awaited reform to stimulate economic growth and diversify our economy. In recent months, Saudi Arabia has taken a series of new and radical policies, starting with the complete opposition of the Islamists, to encouraging citizens to propose the names of the titans P to the blacklist of the government ".. Thus, in his article describes the evolution of successive dramatic events in his country.

Mystery surrounds the fate of Khashoggi (island)

His life is in danger
Last summer Khashoggi did not hesitate to express his concerns openly and clearly to the American journalist "Robin Wright" during a press conference with her, and became convinced that his life is in danger, the journalist reported fears in an article in the New Yorker, published on Sunday, and Khashoggi told her during A conversation with her in August last that the new leadership in Saudi Arabia wants to kill him .. So frankly.

He said: "Of course, they want to be outside the picture." The journalist then considered that he was exaggerating the dangers that beset him no more, and then adds in her article some of Khashoggi's views, which is undoubtedly annoying and damaging to all the above good relations between him and the government, It is prevalent in Arab culture in general, where chest tightness and short sightedness.

Khashoggi considered Salman's son to have no "tolerance or willingness to accommodate the critics", that he became the de facto ruler of the country and became more despotic than the six former rulers who ruled the kingdom since 1953 and became Iran's supreme leader in the kingdom since his father became king On the country.

"I want to know that this has not always been the case with Saudi Arabia. We Saudis deserve better than we do," he said in an article in The Washington Post.