Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei confirmed his support for President Hassan Rowhani's position on linking the fate of Gulf oil to Iranian oil in terms of exports to world markets.

Khamenei said on Saturday that the position of the regime is consistent with the position of the president, "No oil will be issued from the region unless Iran exports its oil."

He stressed that Rowhani's previous statements in this regard reflect "the policy and approach of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

The Iranian leader's remarks came during his meeting with the Iranian foreign minister, accompanied by Iranian officials and ambassadors.

Iranian Revolutionary Guards chief Mohammad Ali Jafari recently threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz if Iran could not sell its oil because of US pressure. "No other country in the region will be allowed to do so," he said.

For its part, the US military announced earlier its readiness to ensure free shipping to tankers in the Persian Gulf, after Iran threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz.

In a related context, Khamenei said that there is no point in dialogue with America, and that any new negotiations with it would be a serious mistake. He stressed that Iran's regional influence is the source of its power "and that is why enemies are trying to target and sabotage."

"The Americans can not be trusted or even signed, so there is no point in negotiating with America," Khamenei said.

He pointed out that what Saudi Arabia is doing in Yemen is a clear massacre, and Western countries are partners in this, as he put it.