By RFPosted on 31-08-2018Modified on 31-08-2018 at 20:34

Senegalese President Macky Sall has been removed from office by Dakar mayor Khalifa Sall, who has been sentenced to five years in prison on charges of embezzlement on public funds.

Khalifa Sall is no longer mayor of Dakar. He has been removed from office by presidential decree. This decision falls 24 hours after the confirmation by the Court of Appeal of its conviction in first instance to five years in prison and 5 million FCFA in fine.

In the entourage of Khalifa Sall, the decision was the effect of a club. In his clan, no one was getting ready. His political adviser Moussa Taye refuses for the moment to speak, still in shock of such a measure.

His lawyers, however, believe that this presidential decree is " illegal ", it is " a flash " because the conviction of the mayor of Dakar is not final. There is still the appeal in cassation.

The dismissal of Khalifa Sall by the authorities is based on a provision of the general code of local authorities which provides for such a measure in case of conviction for " false in public writings " and " use of the public funds of the municipality for personal purposes or private ".

A statement from the Ministry of Territorial Governance says that " the conviction of the Mayor of Dakar by the Court of Appeal deprives him of the legal capacity and moral authority necessary for the performance of his duties ".

The presidential decree must now be deposited with the general secretariat of the government and then published in the official journal before being applied.

    On the same subject

    Senegal: Karim Wade and Khalifa Sall almost out of the running for the presidential race

    "I hope Khalifa Sall will be a candidate": Moussa Taye, his spokesman

    Senegal: prison sentence confirmed on appeal for Khalifa Sall

    Senegal: Dakar Mayor Khalifa Sall Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison

    Khalifa Sall's condemnation: "It's a shame on Senegal's democracy"

    Moussa Tine, advisor to the Mayor of Dakar: "Khalifa is at the center of the campaign"

    In the headlines: Senegal, after Khalifa Sall ... who in the viewfinder?


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