By RFPosted on 02-11-2018Modified on 02-11-2018 at 18:23

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian has begun his second day visiting CAR. It began with a visit to the training camp of the Central African soldiers of the EUTM, a training given by the Europeans and of which France will take the lead in 2019. Then he met the president Faustin-Archange Touadéra in the presidency. . Development and humanitarian aid agreements worth € 24 million have been signed. But especially the minister announced the forthcoming delivery of weapons by France to the Central African Republic.

This is an announcement that was eagerly awaited, but was hardly expected. The French authorities after many meetings with President Touadéra decided to engage in a delivery of weapons.

These are 1,400 assault rifles that will be delivered soon by France to the Central African Republic. This is what Jean-Yves Le Drian announced this morning at the Renaissance palace. " Elements to enable Faca to fulfill their mission, " said the French minister. And this " in the strictly respectful and transparent framework of the United Nations " he said.

" We do this within the strict framework of the United Nations, within the strict framework of the Sanctions Committee and in full transparency both on the origin, on the routing and on the use. It would be absurd to train soldiers and not to give them the means to perform their duties, "said Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian.

The Central African Republic has been embargoed by the United Nations since 2013. An embargo has been suspended for one year in January. France had tried to make a first delivery which had not succeeded. The Central African Republic then turned to Russia , which managed to obtain the temporary lifting of the embargo and carried out its first delivery in January 2018 . A first delivery that created the controversy. The weapons supplied could not, until very recently, be verified.

New arms deliveries were part of the repeated demands of the Central African Republic, which is rebuilding its army. This army must be redeployed regionally in the effort to reclaim territories in the hands of armed groups.

A subject of frustration so far. Foreign Minister Charles-Armel Doubane is the spokesman of President Touadéra: " You know that this is a subject that is close to his heart. He is the guarantor of peace, security and stability in the Central African Republic. The Central African Republic is being built. She builds her safe tool. And today, we are working to ensure that the Central African Republic regains its sovereign rights. In his name, I am like him, the Central African people are happy, "said the head of Central African diplomacy.

A delivery that must be done " very quickly, " assured the French minister.

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