An Iraqi security source in the province of Dhi Qar, south of Iraq, the seizure of sweets stuffed with pictures of paper currency bearing the image of the late Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, and that they arrested two people and possession of a quantity of those sweets coated with Saddam.

The source added that security detachments in the market of the Senate in the province of Dhi Qar confiscated sweets and referred the accused to the competent judicial authorities.

Local media outlets reported that some "Baathists" - in reference to their belonging to Saddam Hussein's Baath Socialist Party - were arrested for distributing sweets with Saddam's pictures at a children's soccer field and that those involved in the distribution of these sweets were arrested, "The Baathists are doing these things in an attempt to prove existence, while they are finished."

Last month the authorities released the popular poet Salah al-Harbawi on bail after being held for several days after being charged with glorifying Saddam Hussein.

He criticized al-Herbawi in his poem, which he organized in the popular dialect of his country, especially the American forces' invasion of Iraqi territory, the flying of planes in the skies without the knowledge of Iraqis, and the visit of US officials including US President Donald Trump to the country without the knowledge of the government in Baghdad.