After the broadcast of a shocking documentary on a private bar of ultra right downtown Lille, the prosecutor's office decided Wednesday to open a preliminary investigation "in view of the violence and remarks as they appear in this report ". Released Sunday on Al Jazeera and lasting about fifty minutes, the first part of Generation Hate shows including several people filmed in hidden camera that boast of ratonnades.

"The prosecutor has decided to order a preliminary investigation, entrusted to the Department of Public Security (DDSP) of the North, to characterize criminal offenses likely to lead to prosecution beyond the administrative measures of the competent authorities" explained Lille prosecutor Thierry Pocquet of Haut-Jussé.

"Unbearable remarks". The magistrate took note Sunday of the documentary "for which it then received, this day, reports under article 40 of the code of penal procedure by the Mayor of Lille and by the Prefect of the Hauts-de-France ". Martine Aubry, socialist mayor of Lille, said in a statement Tuesday to have read "with horror" documentary "revealing insupportable statements of members of Generation Identitaire", claiming "the closure of the Citadel that should never have open to Lille ".

In September 2016, the opening of this venue, located a hundred meters from the famous Grand'place, accessible only to members and which does not have a storefront, caused a stir and a demonstration gathering about 500 people against its implantation.