The US announcement to exit the INF disarmament treaty with Russia could spark a new arms race between Moscow and Washington. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he would step up arms production should the US abandon the disarmament agreement. For Russia, it would be easy to build and deploy land-based medium range weaponry.

Putin reiterated that his country was not breaking the INF treaty. He insisted on the continued existence of a contractual limitation of nuclear-capable medium-range missiles. "What prevents us from entering into discussions with other countries to join the existing agreement or what prevents us from discussing the conditions for a new contract," he said, referring to the US.

Since the Cold War, other countries have also developed medium-range missiles. Since they are not among the signatories of the INF Treaty, they are not subject to any limitations. (Read what the end of the INF Treaty for Europe could mean)

US President Donald Trump had announced at the end of October the US exit from the contract. So far, however, the US has not formally taken this step. The Europeans in particular want to persuade Russia to resume the treaty in order to prevent a nuclear arms race in Europe.