“One of those questions that causes a smile and is already tired of answering, but answering. Such video surveillance at polling stations is not provided for by any law, including the law on presidential elections, so there will be no video surveillance, ”RIA Novosti quoted Radchenko.

According to him, at one time video surveillance at polling stations was organized, for which they spent more than $ 37 million, and that was completely ineffective.

“32 thousand or more hardware and software complexes were purchased ... The whole system was installed, it worked. As a result, out of more than 30 thousand such kits, a little more than 180 thousand calls were made to the system — about 7.5 times people visited each polling station to look. Efficiency speaks for itself, ”he added.

Earlier it was reported that the CEC of Ukraine intends to order more than 60 million ballots. At the same time in the Ukrainian State Voter Register are more than 35 million people.

On March 8, it became known that the Central Election Commission of Ukraine decided to approve the final list of 39 candidates for the presidency.