“The Russian Orthodox Church does not have a tomos, but the Patriarchate of Constantinople also does not have a tomos ... If President Poroshenko has already become such a specialist in Tomos, then maybe he would have offered the Constantinople Patriarchate itself to begin with to show his tomos?” He wrote.

According to Danilevich, not one of the ancient churches has a tomos, since they were not based on the receipt of this document, but on the decision of church councils.

Tomos, according to the archpriest, began to appear "mainly in the XIX century."

On the eve of Poroshenko said that "the autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine" is canonical, and called on the ROC to "show tomos."

Political analyst, publicist Yuriy Dove, in an interview with FAN, appreciated the provision of autocephaly to the Ukrainian church.