“Whatever the peculiarities of the investigation may arise at different stages, there may be situations that will allow to close specific topics. But the political struggle in this case does not stop. So, we will see how some moments of the charges will be replaced by others. The fact that Special Prosecutor Robert Muller, in the course of his investigations, came to certain conclusions, is quite understandable. There is no news for most experts, especially from the Russian side, ”said the deputy.

Novikov also noted that "new accusations against Russia and Donald Trump can be constructed."

“Today, the internal political struggle in the United States of America inevitably results in the fact that besides the general anti-Russian rhetoric, some political forces are trying to use the anti-Russian card also against the current president,” he said.

Earlier, Barr confirmed the lack of agreement trump with the Russian government.

He noted that the staff of the head of state and other Americans did not contribute to the "intervention".