He stated this on the TV channel "Our".

“For all this year, for some reason, there was no big privatization. Not a single enterprise has been privatized. For some reason, this was postponed to December ... It was at the moment of martial law, when not a single foreigner declared, because these are force majeure circumstances, when you cannot protest defending your jobs - all companies are on the list, ”he said .

He noted that the Kiev authorities also took control of the banking system so that ordinary entrepreneurs could not credit. Thus, according to him, everything was done so that during privatization the authorities had no competitors who could claim assets and bargain for them.

"This is a deliberate sabotage, this is bringing enterprises to bankruptcy, it is simply raiding our government of our state before our eyes," he added.

Earlier, the first president of Ukraine, Leonid Kravchuk, in an interview with NSN, said that the crisis encompassed the country's economy, politics and social sphere.

In May, the EU demanded to speed up the process of privatization of state-owned enterprises in Ukraine.