“In Ukraine, the political situation has already reached the highest point of negative development, the people no longer want to live like this and do not believe the authorities. Washington understands that the people of Ukraine are a real political force capable of curbing the deadly American Maidan virus. American “strategists” realize that only war can divert the Ukrainian people from a just riot, ”said the senator.

According to her, “Russia is trying to preserve peace in Europe with all possible political instruments, despite the fact that Ukraine, which has lost its political and economic independence, is persistently provoking a military conflict.”

“The Europeans themselves, as enchanted, are led by the USA. I am sure that all the responsibility for a possible escalation of the conflict and the war in the Donbas, destabilization of the situation in Europe, will be assigned to the Poroshenko regime and its overseas owners, ”concluded Kovitydi.

Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry did not rule out the transition of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to full-scale hostilities and provocations with chemical weapons in the Donbas.