“What kind of defeat can we talk about if in case of a military conflict with the use of nuclear forces there will be no winners. What China, Russia and the United States have is enough for that. Than thinking about weapons, it is better to start meetings and consultations to conclude treaties, for example, on disarmament, reduction of offensive weapons. The path that Trump proposes is wrong. Sooner or later, they will have to sit at the negotiating table, ”said Jabarov.

According to him, it is obvious that "the Americans are trying to unleash an arms race."

“It is clear that the Americans are trying to unleash show jumping. Trump, expressing the will of those who brought him to power, plans to provide powerful corporations with military orders. This will require large injections, ”concluded the senator.

Earlier in the United States stated that the country's military superiority has decreased to a dangerous level and there is a risk of defeat in the event of a military conflict with Russia or China.