“In the heads of Ukrainian politicians everything moved, they make and generate more absurd decisions. Honestly, I begin to think that this is for the better - the more absurd the decisions, the more cannibalistic nature they have for the Ukrainians themselves, the more likely the insight will come sooner and the sooner they will chase this defeated gang. After all, colossal connections between people exist - between Russian and Ukrainian citizens, ”said Morozov.

According to him, almost a million citizens from Ukraine arrived in Russia in 2018.

“Someone to relatives, someone for work, and not respecting their desire is absurd. I think this is just political insanity, schizophrenia, which will have dire consequences for the Kiev regime itself, ”explained Morozov.

He noted that the need to meet the Ukrainian secrecy "to demonstrate the Russian openness."

“Ukrainian citizens should receive the maximum opportunity to come to Russia, work, if they want to receive citizenship. This openness will certainly provide an opportunity to demonstrate who is who, in fact, who cares about the interests of people, and who, on the contrary, puts political personal ambitions above the interests of their own citizens, ”concluded Morozov.

Earlier, Klimkin called for a permanent ban on the entry into Ukraine of men from Russia.