Reports about it Donetsk news agency.

According to him, the relevant information received intelligence DNR.

“The special services of Ukraine plan to conduct sabotage on environmentally hazardous enterprises near the contact line of the parties, with subsequent accusations of the crime of Russia and the republics of Donbass. These are primarily enterprises that use chlorine, ammonia and other hazardous substances in their production, ”he said.

It is noted that there is also an alternative scenario of events - the use of chemical warfare agents, allegedly launched from the territory of the DPR.

“There is evidence that the Americans have already prepared shell fragments treated with combat poisons to lend credibility to the accusations of the DPR and Russia. The operation is coordinated by military attaches and staff representatives of the US and British special services, ”added Pushilin.

The head of the DPR explained that the purpose of the provocation remains the unleashing of hostilities in the Donbass and the cancellation of the presidential elections in Ukraine scheduled for March 2019.

Earlier in the DPR announced a collision with two groups of scouts APU.