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President Emmanuel Macron continued in the Southwest the "Grand debate" in Souillac, January 18, 2019. Mayors asked him for concrete actions, warning that words alone would not be enough to appease the anger of "vests yellow. " Ludovic Marin / Pool via REUTERS

Emmanuel Macron is this Friday, January 18th in Souillac (southwest), second step of his meeting with the mayors of France within the framework of the "Great national debate".

Emmanuel Macron will he renew in Souillac performance of Grand Bourtheroulde? At his first meeting with the mayors of France, the President of the Republic had engaged in a game of questions and answers for more than six and a half hours. The performance earned him Friday to be compared to former Cuban leader Fidel Castro, known for his endless speeches.

Purchasing power, mobility, radars, social justice, digital: the 600 elected have spent the microphone to discuss their difficulties. The mayor of Souillac asked the head of state to restore the wealth tax. Emmanuel Macron repeats: he wants to evaluate the suppression of the ISF, but he once again defended the measure. The head of state has again said he is open to a speed limitation of 80 km / h, which earned him applause from the room, noted our special envoy, Anthony Lattier .

Several elected officials have warned him: they dread a boomerang effect if the hopes created by the Great debate are disappointed. Outside, dozens of protesters and "yellow vests" were kept at a safe distance. Some have rubbed shoulders with the police. Like Tuesday, an important security device was deployed to secure this meeting.

LIVE | Great Debate with the mayors of Occitania.https: //t.co/hpugVjmBfg

Elysee (@Elysee) January 18, 2019