On it informs RIA Novosti news agency referring to the Latvian activist Alexander Zhgun.

“In the Riga district Zepniekkalns, on Graudu street, 22, the unknown, having arranged a hangout at the Bratsk cemetery, desecrated the grave of fallen soldiers. A nose was broken off at a soldier’s monument, glass fragments indicate that bottles were broken about the monument, ”he wrote on his Facebook page.

According to Zhgun, vandals also inscribed monuments and borders on the territory of the memorial with insulting inscriptions.

It is noted that a statement has already been sent to the police in connection with this incident.

Earlier in Estonia, unknown persons desecrated a monument to the victims of the Second World War.

In October, the head of the Kursk public organization dealing with the restoration of Soviet memorials, Jerzy Tyz, said that in southwest Poland, unknown persons had desecrated a cemetery of Soviet soldiers.