The Algerian diaspora in France has again demonstrated Sunday in Paris, despite the cold and rainy weather.

Several hundred Algerians and French nationals of Algerian origin again demonstrated Sunday in Paris for the tenth week in a row, against the figures of the "system" who remained in power in Algeria after the resignation in early April of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

"We will be here and we will take the time it will take"

The Algerian diaspora meets every Sunday in the Republic Square in Paris and, sometimes, in other French cities, as a sign of solidarity with the Algerians who, on the other side of the Mediterranean, have been demonstrating massively since the end of February. The cold and rainy weather this Sunday did not discourage Yazid Hamitouche - who has already traveled to Algiers three times to participate in rallies - to demonstrate in the French capital. "Here, it is the Algerians of France who come every Sunday to speak against this mafia who occupies the country, so we ask, the people ask this mafia to leave," he said.

"It's a revolution started, it does not stop, whether in Algeria or by Algerians who are abroad," he hammered in the middle of the gathering in which the umbrellas rubbed the flags Algerians. For his part, Hafida believes that "these people (the figures of the regime, Ed) will not let go as easily as that ..." "But we are here (...) and we are brave, we will be here and we will take the time it will take, "said this protester.

Algeria: a civil collective calls to "go beyond the framework of the Constitution"

A group from the Algerian civil society called on Sunday to "go beyond the framework of the Constitution", saying the interim process put in place since the resignation of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika was "stillborn".

After securing the resignation of the head of state on April 2, protesters continue demonstrating every Friday to express their distrust of Abdelkader Bensalah, a 77-year-old apparatchik who became interim president in a constitutional process.

Gathered since March in the "Collective of Algerian civil society for a democratic and peaceful transition", 28 NGOs and associations held their first national meeting on Saturday. "The constitutional interim established on April 2 under the leadership of the staff of the army is a stillborn process," they said in a statement received Sunday by AFP and signed by the 28 members of the collective. As a result, "the exit from the purported framework of the Constitution is naturally necessary to meet the new actors of the public scene," they said. They also called for a "dialogue" between "political power and all actors" of civil society in order to find a "final roadmap of transition".