Hundreds of Algerians demonstrated in Paris on Sunday for the tenth consecutive week, demanding the departure of symbols of the regime of the resignation of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, while calling for the Algerian organizations to find a solution to the crisis outside the framework of the Constitution.

Members of the Algerian community in France meet everyone at the Place de la Republique in Paris and sometimes in other French cities to express their solidarity with the Algerian demonstrations on the other side of the Mediterranean.

The weather, hail and rain this Sunday, Yazid Hamitouche - who traveled three times to Algeria to take part in demonstrations there - did not dampen demonstrations in the French capital.

"Here the Algerians in France come to express their rejection of this mafia occupying the country," he said. "We demand - as the people demand - the mafia to leave."

"A revolution has broken out and will not stop either in Algeria or among the Algerians abroad," he said during a rally in which Algerian flags were raised.

Solutions outside the Constitution
"Those (regime symbols) will not give up easily," Hafida said. "But we stand for them. We are brave and we will be here no matter what time it takes."

Some 760,000 Algerian immigrants live in France, according to the French Statistics Institute, with 1.7 million of their children.

In parallel, Algerian NGOs called for a solution to the political crisis in the country outside the "alleged framework of the constitution".

According to the statement, "The Coalition of Civil Society for the peaceful exit from the crisis", which was formed at the beginning of March and includes 28 associations, union and personalities and held its first national meeting on Saturday, "the provisional constitutional premise, which was established on April 2, With the support of the General Staff, a process that was born dead. "

"Out of the alleged framework of the constitution naturally imposes itself and pays to meet the new actors on the ground" created by the demonstrations since its inception on 22 February.

The statement condemned the absence of "the political will of the Authority to find a solution to popular demands for a radical change in the system," and called for "open dialogue between the political authority and all actors in civil society and the political class" in order to reach a "final roadmap for the transitional period."