This is reported on the organization's website.

It is noted that in PACE they are dissatisfied with the systematic bribing of voters, the engagement of a number of media outlets and too many candidates, including few women.

“The PACE delegation listened to allegations of illegal expenses during the election campaign and stressed the need for full transparency in the financing of the election campaign of all candidates. The delegation is also very concerned about reports of intensive efforts by some candidates to create a system of bribing voters, ”the statement says.

The organization also, in particular, indicated that freedom of speech in Ukraine is limited by the fact that the media, mostly owned by oligarchs, instead of a balanced coverage of the election campaign, act as channels of communication with the public for individual candidates.

“It was also alarming to hear that well-known paramilitaries were registered as local observers and allegedly threatened to use force in the event of possible violations on election day,” the report adds.

Earlier, the presidential candidate of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, said that a criminal case was opened against him, allegedly for “money laundering”. According to the showman, this is another provocation of the authorities who are trying to put pressure on the leader of the election race.