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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the conference in Venezuela, Ottawa, February 4, 2019. REUTERS / Chris Wattie

The Lima Group, which includes 14 Latin American countries and Canada, met on Monday (February 4th) in Ottawa to organize its support for Venezuelan opponent Juan Guaido and to find a way out of the crisis in which Venezuela is plunged. An initiative joined by several European countries and the United States.

" Today, Canada is gaining momentum and announcing $ 53 million in assistance to address the most urgent needs of Venezuelans on the ground, including the nearly three million refugees, " said the Canadian Prime Minister. Justin Trudeau at the opening of the Ottawa meeting.

" The bulk of these funds will go to reliable partners and neighboring countries to help support Venezuela and Venezuelans, " said Justin Trudeau. " Today, the Lima Group sends a clear message of support to the Venezuelan people as they chart their own future. "

Venezuelan opponent Juan Guaido, self-proclaimed interim president, addressed a video message to the conference. He said he was looking forward to organizing " as soon as possible a free and fair election to restore democracy in Venezuela ". Venezuelans " are close to regaining their freedom, " he said. His special correspondent in Ottawa, Julio Borges, leader of the Primero Justicia party, for his part, told some journalists that the fall of the regime of President Nicolas Maduro would be " the equivalent of the fall of the Berlin Wall for Latin America " .

In addition to the Lima Group, which brings together 14 Latin American countries and Canada, was present at this conference a representative of the United Kingdom. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Deputy Head of European Diplomacy Helga Schmid were due to participate by videoconference.

Twenty European countries, including Spain, the United Kingdom, France and Germany, on Monday recognized Juan Guaido as interim president of Venezuela after Nicolas Maduro refused to call a presidential election despite a European ultimatum . Most of the Lima Group countries, with the exception of Mexico, had already recognized Juan Guaido last week.

→ (Re) read: Venezuela: several European countries recognize Juan Guaido as president

(With AFP)