In Ondine Hall in Changé, near Laval (in Mayenne), Monday, October 8, 2018 was held a party in honor of craftsmen and apprentices. Three companies that correspond to the annual theme, repair and sustainable development, were awarded for their ecological activities. This is DSH Engine, Bicyclem and the Accordionists Workshop.

Monday, October 8, 2018, in the room Ondines Changé, near Laval (in Mayenne) was held the annual evening of crafts. An event that rewards Mayenne craft companies. This year, the theme chosen was that of repair and sustainable development.

Repair rather than throw

The "repairers" as they were appointed during the evening were rewarded because their job is to repair rather than throw away. The approach is therefore part of a sustainable development approach.

Three artisans rewarded

DSH motor, represented by Hélène Belnou, Bicyclem with Philippe Clément and finally the workshop of accordionists, played by Nadège Lefeuvre-Nicolas were rewarded for their work qualified as ecological and received a trophy.

298 apprentices were awarded their diplomas. The alternates in bakery, butcher's shop, or electricity will now go to other studies or start their working life (according to the Mayenne Chamber of Commerce, 80% have already found a job).

In addition, Préfet Frédéric Veaux was also awarded the medal of artisanal recognition for his commitment to the Chamber of Crafts.