The departmental council of Mayenne presented Monday, November 19 a draft budget up 2 million euros in 2019. Its president, Olivier Richefou (UDI), has also announced an additional investment capacity of 15 million euros. until the end of the mandate.

Mayenne is not a highly indebted department. "It has excellent deleveraging at 1.9 years. This puts the department on the national podium , " says Olivier

Richefou (UDI). The chairman of the county council announces that the community has spent 11 million euros less than expected. The result of the postponement of work (Espace Mayenne, bypassing Château-Gontier), additional allowances, transfer fees on the rise ... "They will be used to reduce the loan. From 27.9 million, it will grow to 17, "he says.

#SESSIONCD The budget for 2019 should be 343 M € compared to 341 M € in the 2018 budget. Appointment for the examination of the Primitive Budget 2019 on 13 and 14 December 2018 @olivierrichefou 3/3

- Mayenne Department (@lamayenne) November 19, 2018

Another good news: "We think to be able to release a new envelope of 15 million euros of investments over the next three budgets," announces the president. Three axes are envisaged to affect these complementary recipes: "the youth, the dependence and in particular the management of Éhpad (hospitals for dependent elderly people) and the attractiveness" , continues Olivier Richefou.

Tax on built land unchanged

The president then proposed to maintain the tax rate on built land, "unchanged since 2011" to 19.86%. The Mayenne, adds the president "for a long time already is moving to control its operating expenses, has optimized its resources and has shared everything that can be between departments, even regional. It will be able to invest "81 million a year, or 1.55 million a week" . The 2019 budget is expected to reach 343 million euros. Operating expenses would not increase. This limitation of charges allowed the Mayenne to save 5 million euros.

"Two subjects are to be treated," said Guillaume Garot (PS), in opposition. "Mobility" and "home help" . The leader of the group La Mayenne dynamic and solidarity insists on the "need to offer a choice to those who are forced to use their car every day. The Mayenne would win to position itself voluntarily. It is an element of attractiveness and future. "

CD53: elected representatives of the departmental opposition, we defended this morning:
Transport priority clean, to offer an alternative to those who only have their car to move
support to CCAS and home help associations
pluralism, for our attractiveness

- Guillaume GAROT (@guillaumegarot) November 19, 2018

He points to the closure of the ticket office of the SNCF station in Évron.

Home help

Guillaume Garot expresses the "need for an emergency plan" on home help. "The staff are exhausted. The aid rate is fixed at 19,50 € per hour. It has never been revalued. We propose from € 23.50, its real cost. Olivier Richefou replies: "We will have support measures. We did not wait for you to meet the associations. Concrete elements will be included in the well-aging plan to be presented in 2019 " .

Olivier Richefou announces it to the elected officials. A letter from President Emmanuel Macron "welcomes the initiative to engage in a new public service of integration" . Specifically, the Mayenne, which has the lowest rate of recipients of RSA in France, with nearly 3,400 beneficiaries, will test the universal income of activity. It is a question of "centralizing the management" of personalized housing assistance (APL) and RSA within a single integration service.