Former Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia said on Wednesday that Bouteflika should step down in accordance with Article 102 of the constitution, which also sets out the president's resignation procedures.

On the other hand, Deputy Defense Minister and Chief of Staff Ahmed Kayed Saleh said today that the army has not and will not deviate from its constitutional duties, in reference to the anger of some of his statements that the application of Article 102 of the Constitution to declare the vacancy of the post of President.

On the other hand, the lawyer and Algerian activist Mustafa Bushashi, told Reuters, "The protests will continue and the demands of the Algerians include changing the political system. He added that the application of Article 102 of the Constitution means that the symbols of the regime will oversee the transition period and will organize the presidential elections.

The demonstrators have repeatedly said that they would reject any arrangement to succeed the military or any military intervention in politics, and they want a shift leading to a consensual government.