They created the surprise on Wednesday night, occupying a strategic roundabout located in the industrial area of ​​Plaisance Saint-Sauveur-des-Landes. And they do not intend to stop there ...

After a rally on Wednesday morning at the parking lot of the river Douve, yellow jackets fougerais scored a big blow in the evening by going to invest the roundabout in the industrial area of ​​Plaisance of Saint-Sauveur-des-Landes. Two cars of the gendarmerie nearby.

A strategic roundabout, located near two road carriers: Gélin, Groussard Logistics and the food wholesaler Disgroup. Their goal: to prevent trucks from entering and leaving.

On site, the Yellow Vests are organized to hold as long as possible: microwave, bonfire, generator ... They are thirty. | WEST FRANCE

They arrived around 6:30 pm with the intention of staying there all night and the coming days. On site: generator, microwave, small sound system, wooden pallets to heat ... "We are here for an indefinite period , " says one of them.

A blockage gone to last?

After a start of the week when the actions were not necessarily completed sometimes, lack of reinforcement, tonight they are determined to be heard again.

On the spot, the Yellow Vests assure it: without significant advances they are ready to remain there as long as it is necessary. | WEST FRANCE

"After a nice demonstration last Saturday and several actions that were not necessarily binding for the citizens, we decided to hit a big blow, explains one of the Yellow Vests. Macron's speech did not convince us at all, and we are especially expecting a return from the sub-prefect we met for more than three hours last week. A deafening silence, like another disappointment that is added to all the others. "

Detailed claims should be posted tomorrow. | WEST FRANCE

Tonight is filtering dam but tomorrow it will turn in all likelihood in blockage. Their claims, they will be put online this Thursday in the form of a book of grievances.