The memorial appeared near the entrance to the café "Separ".

On the granite stone a sign was erected, the inscription reads: "Here, the head of the Democratic People's Republic of Germany, the hero Alexander Zakharchenko and his bodyguard Vyacheslav Dotsenko were tragically killed." There are also two photos of the dead.

Residents of Donbass continue to carry flowers to the site of the tragedy. Lamps on the sidewalk next to the memorial stone.

In the press service Zakharchenko was told that the memorable stone was set by the colleagues of the deceased leader of the People's Democratic Republic on the ninth day after his death.

The memorial is guarded by officers of the republic's law enforcement agencies.

Earlier, the head of the DNR Denis Pushilin said that one of the goals of the assassination of the head of the People's Democratic Republic of Belarus, Alexander Zakharchenko, was the destabilization of the situation.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called Zakharchenko's murder vile.

Zakharchenko died on August 31 as a result of the explosion.